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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does the service cost?
A: The price for a standard assessment and career consultation is $250. Payment in advance is required before we send out assessments to a client.
Q: How do I pay?
A: Clients typically pay with a credit card or debit card. PayPal is our payment processor. After you make a payment using PayPal, you should expect to see a charge from "G.J. DeBrota, Inc." appear on your credit card statement.
Q: How long is the consultation session?
A: Typically a session lasts about 45 minutes. It is an interactive experience, and clients often ask questions.
Q: Will you help me use Zoom, or determine if I can use it with my current equipment and internet connection?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot provide technical support for Zoom. Most laptops, tablets, and smartphones are compatible with Zoom. If you have a desktop computer, it will need to have a microphone, speakers/headphones, and a camera/webcam. Most internet connections will suffice, with the possible exception of those with very low bandwidth. The Zoom website has links to training videos and other resources. We strongly recommend that you successfully accomplish a Zoom meeting with a friend or family member in advance of a scheduled Zoom consultation with us.
Q: Do you record consultation sessions?
A: We do not make or provide recordings. Clients are permitted to record Zoom consultations to their computers, or otherwise make recordings, such as with an audio recorder app on a smartphone. We cannot provide technical support to clients who want to do "local recording" using the Zoom software, however, so if you want to do this we strongly encourage you to successfully accomplish local recording of a Zoom meeting in advance of a scheduled Zoom consultation with us. Note that local recording may be impossible on a phone or tablet, even though these devices allow you to connect to Zoom sessions.
Q: How old does a client need to be?
A: We find that clients who are under 16 years old or have not yet completed the sophomore year of high school do not get as much value from the process. There is no upper age limit. Younger clients are typically focused on decisions regarding what to study in college. More mature clients are typically focused on life planning or career change decisions.
Q: Will you help me find a job?
A: DeBrota Career Consulting is not an employment agency, and does not offer job placement.
Q: Will you help me get into a particular school, help me get a scholarship, or help me get financial aid?
A: We do not provide those services.
Q: Will you tell me what school to apply to?
A: Our focus is more on what you should study rather than on where or how you should study.
Q: Do you offer job training?
A: We may provide suggestions for how you can get training or pursue educational credentials. We do not train or certify readiness for any specific job.
Q: Do you offer continuing counseling services?
A: Each client is assessed comprehensively and results are discussed in a single consultation session. We occasionally suggest that clients look into life coaching, personal training, time management, tutoring, etc. on an ongoing basis, but we do not offer these services.
Q: Do you offer psychoanalysis, make psychiatric diagnoses, or provide psychiatric care?
A. We do not provide these services. Sometimes clients with symptoms of mental illness are suggested to seek such help elsewhere.
Q: Do you do relationship or family counseling?
A: We do not, but clients are welcome to include anyone in a Zoom consultation whom they wish to hear their results.
Q: Do you offer tutoring or help for academically challenged students?
A: We typically provide only directional advice, and we do not maintain lists of persons offering these services.
Q: Is the service paid for by health insurance?
A: No.
Q: Is the service private?
A: Yes. If a client requests, we will delete and/or destroy all assessment information he/she has provided to us. All results are provided to the person being assessed, and he/she can then decide who else to share the results with.
Q: Is the service appropriate to give as a gift?
A: The person who pays for the service can be different from the client who is assessed. The person assessed must cooperate with assessment, however, and will decide whether or not to share results with the person or organization who pays for the service.
Q: Do you do intelligence or aptitude testing?
A: We focus on personality and other considerations that impact satisfaction with and success in educational endeavors, jobs, and careers. The ways in which clients answer questions may indicate general intelligence or specific aspects of intelligence, however. We do not generate IQ scores or otherwise attempt to quantitate intelligence or scholastic aptitude.
Q: Is the service appropriate for persons with intellectual or physical disabilities or limitations?
A: Consultation is personalized, and considers what makes each client unique and differently skilled, talented, experienced, and able. Consultation sessions involve live spoken conversation over Zoom, and would be challenging to conduct with a client who is deaf or unable to communicate in spoken English. Our recommendations are typically designed for persons without disabilities, histories, or chronic conditions that might make otherwise reasonable educational or career pathways difficult or unrealistic. When you contact us, we encourage you to tell us about any significant limitations of which you are aware.
Q: Are assessment results appropriate to support administrative decisions or legal proceedings, such as to determine disability, competency, or eligibility for special education?
A: No.
Q: Is the process fun?
A: You should expect to spend up to a few hours answering questions about yourself. The information you provide enables a consultation session which is entirely focused on you, and is an unusual and perhaps unique experience. Clients typically get surprises, new insights, and new ideas. Unfortunately, Zoom consultations do not conclude with the opportunity to give Dr. DeBrota a hug.
Q: Where are you located?
A: DeBrota Career Consulting operates out of central Indiana, in the Eastern time zone. It does not maintain an office to which clients physically travel, however. We serve clients living in Indiana as well as in other states and in other countries.
Q: Is the service available to non-English speakers?
A: All consultations are only conducted in English.
Q: Why do I pay in advance?
A: Some assessments you complete in our process require single-use codes purchased from publishers. Once codes are assigned to you, the assessments cannot be used by anyone else, and we cannot get test costs refunded.
Q: Can I submit the cost of your service to a healthcare flexible spending account (FSA) for reimbursement?
A: No. We do not provide healthcare.
Q: I’m unemployed, can you help me?
A: We help you choose a career or educational direction which can lead to job opportunities. Our focus is more on the long term for you than on your immediate financial concerns.
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting an "employment center"?
A: No. Websites or search engines which categorize it as an employment center are incorrect.
Q: How long do I have to complete assessments?
A: Most clients complete their assessments within a few days after receiving them. You should plan to complete them within one month.
Q: What if I have already had some career testing?
A: Many clients have some previous experience with career or personality testing. In some cases the testing was a long time ago, and may not be relevant in the present. We provide not just computer-generated scores and reports, but experienced interpretation and analysis, and an opportunity to talk with a professional and ask questions.
Q: Will you review my resume, or help me create one?
A: We ask you questions, such as about what education you have had, what grades you received, and your current or recent job, but we don’t typically examine resume documents. We sometimes refer clients to people who help develop and improve resumes.
Q: What if I have bad grades?
A: We often see clients who have struggled during their education thus far. A common reason that clients do poorly in school is that they are studying things that don’t really interest them, or that don't align well with their personality.
Q: Can you help me find someone to shadow?
A: Unfortunately, we don’t maintain lists of persons willing to be shadowed.
Q: What if I am considering a specific educational or career direction already?
A: We often help clients who already have a direction in mind, but want to learn if they are likely to end up happy if they continue in that direction.
Q: What if I have no idea whatsoever about what I should do?
A: Our consultation is designed to help you see some directions in which you can go, and some directions in which you should probably not go. We help you make decisions and plans.
Q: Can you guarantee your advice will be correct?
A: Nobody can predict the future with certainty.
Q: Can I pay by check?
A: We strongly encourage payment with a credit card, a debit card, or a PayPal account. If you mail a paper check, it will introduce a delay in getting assessments sent to you. If, despite this, you wish to pay by check, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected] before you snail mail any check. We will not accept third party checks or checks from banks outside the United States.
Q: Do you refund money if a client is unsatisfied?
A: We incur non-refundable costs as soon as we assign tests to a client, and in this case we do not make a full refund. A partial refund may be possible if a client decides he/she does not want to complete our battery of assessments, encounters technical difficulties preventing him/her from connecting to a Zoom meeting, or decides to give up on the opportunity for a live results session.
Q: Can I get a written report of my consultation?
A: Some of our assessments produce client-friendly reports when your responses are analyzed at the publishers of the tests, and you may receive these reports. We do not provide transcriptions or written summaries of consultation sessions. We encourage you to take notes during your session and/or to record it. Recently some clients have had success using Fathom (see
Q: Can I get my consultation over the phone instead of a Zoom meeting?
A: Dr. DeBrota gains valuable information by watching clients react to what she says and answer questions live. She prefers to engage with clients that she can see as well as hear.
Q: Can I get my consultation in person instead of a Zoom meeting?
A: Unfortunately, no. Dr. DeBrota no longer sees clients in person.
Q: How long does the whole consultation process take?
A: When we receive payment, we try to get tests assigned within at most a few days. You must complete all tests before we can schedule a results session for you. Depending on the number of clients awaiting a results session, it may require a few weeks before you can be scheduled.
Q: Will your testing determine my Myers-Briggs personality type?
A: We do not currently assess clients with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Q: What happened to Dr. Jack Fadely?
A: His health declined over a period of weeks in early 2020 prior to his death on April 18. For more information about his remarkable life, please visit these tribute websites:
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting the new name of Fadely & DeBrota Associates?
A: No. Fadely & DeBrota Associates stopped doing business in 2020. It maintained physical offices in which it served clients, and provided a variety of services over the years to companies and individuals. DeBrota Career Consulting began operation in 2020. It is an internet-only business, and offers only career and educational consultation.
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting affiliated with Fadely College Counseling?
A: No. Fadely College Counseling LLC is an unrelated business. Its website is
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting affiliated with Personality Science?
A: DCC and Personality Science are separate businesses. The website for Personality Science is
A: The price for a standard assessment and career consultation is $250. Payment in advance is required before we send out assessments to a client.
Q: How do I pay?
A: Clients typically pay with a credit card or debit card. PayPal is our payment processor. After you make a payment using PayPal, you should expect to see a charge from "G.J. DeBrota, Inc." appear on your credit card statement.
Q: How long is the consultation session?
A: Typically a session lasts about 45 minutes. It is an interactive experience, and clients often ask questions.
Q: Will you help me use Zoom, or determine if I can use it with my current equipment and internet connection?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot provide technical support for Zoom. Most laptops, tablets, and smartphones are compatible with Zoom. If you have a desktop computer, it will need to have a microphone, speakers/headphones, and a camera/webcam. Most internet connections will suffice, with the possible exception of those with very low bandwidth. The Zoom website has links to training videos and other resources. We strongly recommend that you successfully accomplish a Zoom meeting with a friend or family member in advance of a scheduled Zoom consultation with us.
Q: Do you record consultation sessions?
A: We do not make or provide recordings. Clients are permitted to record Zoom consultations to their computers, or otherwise make recordings, such as with an audio recorder app on a smartphone. We cannot provide technical support to clients who want to do "local recording" using the Zoom software, however, so if you want to do this we strongly encourage you to successfully accomplish local recording of a Zoom meeting in advance of a scheduled Zoom consultation with us. Note that local recording may be impossible on a phone or tablet, even though these devices allow you to connect to Zoom sessions.
Q: How old does a client need to be?
A: We find that clients who are under 16 years old or have not yet completed the sophomore year of high school do not get as much value from the process. There is no upper age limit. Younger clients are typically focused on decisions regarding what to study in college. More mature clients are typically focused on life planning or career change decisions.
Q: Will you help me find a job?
A: DeBrota Career Consulting is not an employment agency, and does not offer job placement.
Q: Will you help me get into a particular school, help me get a scholarship, or help me get financial aid?
A: We do not provide those services.
Q: Will you tell me what school to apply to?
A: Our focus is more on what you should study rather than on where or how you should study.
Q: Do you offer job training?
A: We may provide suggestions for how you can get training or pursue educational credentials. We do not train or certify readiness for any specific job.
Q: Do you offer continuing counseling services?
A: Each client is assessed comprehensively and results are discussed in a single consultation session. We occasionally suggest that clients look into life coaching, personal training, time management, tutoring, etc. on an ongoing basis, but we do not offer these services.
Q: Do you offer psychoanalysis, make psychiatric diagnoses, or provide psychiatric care?
A. We do not provide these services. Sometimes clients with symptoms of mental illness are suggested to seek such help elsewhere.
Q: Do you do relationship or family counseling?
A: We do not, but clients are welcome to include anyone in a Zoom consultation whom they wish to hear their results.
Q: Do you offer tutoring or help for academically challenged students?
A: We typically provide only directional advice, and we do not maintain lists of persons offering these services.
Q: Is the service paid for by health insurance?
A: No.
Q: Is the service private?
A: Yes. If a client requests, we will delete and/or destroy all assessment information he/she has provided to us. All results are provided to the person being assessed, and he/she can then decide who else to share the results with.
Q: Is the service appropriate to give as a gift?
A: The person who pays for the service can be different from the client who is assessed. The person assessed must cooperate with assessment, however, and will decide whether or not to share results with the person or organization who pays for the service.
Q: Do you do intelligence or aptitude testing?
A: We focus on personality and other considerations that impact satisfaction with and success in educational endeavors, jobs, and careers. The ways in which clients answer questions may indicate general intelligence or specific aspects of intelligence, however. We do not generate IQ scores or otherwise attempt to quantitate intelligence or scholastic aptitude.
Q: Is the service appropriate for persons with intellectual or physical disabilities or limitations?
A: Consultation is personalized, and considers what makes each client unique and differently skilled, talented, experienced, and able. Consultation sessions involve live spoken conversation over Zoom, and would be challenging to conduct with a client who is deaf or unable to communicate in spoken English. Our recommendations are typically designed for persons without disabilities, histories, or chronic conditions that might make otherwise reasonable educational or career pathways difficult or unrealistic. When you contact us, we encourage you to tell us about any significant limitations of which you are aware.
Q: Are assessment results appropriate to support administrative decisions or legal proceedings, such as to determine disability, competency, or eligibility for special education?
A: No.
Q: Is the process fun?
A: You should expect to spend up to a few hours answering questions about yourself. The information you provide enables a consultation session which is entirely focused on you, and is an unusual and perhaps unique experience. Clients typically get surprises, new insights, and new ideas. Unfortunately, Zoom consultations do not conclude with the opportunity to give Dr. DeBrota a hug.
Q: Where are you located?
A: DeBrota Career Consulting operates out of central Indiana, in the Eastern time zone. It does not maintain an office to which clients physically travel, however. We serve clients living in Indiana as well as in other states and in other countries.
Q: Is the service available to non-English speakers?
A: All consultations are only conducted in English.
Q: Why do I pay in advance?
A: Some assessments you complete in our process require single-use codes purchased from publishers. Once codes are assigned to you, the assessments cannot be used by anyone else, and we cannot get test costs refunded.
Q: Can I submit the cost of your service to a healthcare flexible spending account (FSA) for reimbursement?
A: No. We do not provide healthcare.
Q: I’m unemployed, can you help me?
A: We help you choose a career or educational direction which can lead to job opportunities. Our focus is more on the long term for you than on your immediate financial concerns.
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting an "employment center"?
A: No. Websites or search engines which categorize it as an employment center are incorrect.
Q: How long do I have to complete assessments?
A: Most clients complete their assessments within a few days after receiving them. You should plan to complete them within one month.
Q: What if I have already had some career testing?
A: Many clients have some previous experience with career or personality testing. In some cases the testing was a long time ago, and may not be relevant in the present. We provide not just computer-generated scores and reports, but experienced interpretation and analysis, and an opportunity to talk with a professional and ask questions.
Q: Will you review my resume, or help me create one?
A: We ask you questions, such as about what education you have had, what grades you received, and your current or recent job, but we don’t typically examine resume documents. We sometimes refer clients to people who help develop and improve resumes.
Q: What if I have bad grades?
A: We often see clients who have struggled during their education thus far. A common reason that clients do poorly in school is that they are studying things that don’t really interest them, or that don't align well with their personality.
Q: Can you help me find someone to shadow?
A: Unfortunately, we don’t maintain lists of persons willing to be shadowed.
Q: What if I am considering a specific educational or career direction already?
A: We often help clients who already have a direction in mind, but want to learn if they are likely to end up happy if they continue in that direction.
Q: What if I have no idea whatsoever about what I should do?
A: Our consultation is designed to help you see some directions in which you can go, and some directions in which you should probably not go. We help you make decisions and plans.
Q: Can you guarantee your advice will be correct?
A: Nobody can predict the future with certainty.
Q: Can I pay by check?
A: We strongly encourage payment with a credit card, a debit card, or a PayPal account. If you mail a paper check, it will introduce a delay in getting assessments sent to you. If, despite this, you wish to pay by check, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected] before you snail mail any check. We will not accept third party checks or checks from banks outside the United States.
Q: Do you refund money if a client is unsatisfied?
A: We incur non-refundable costs as soon as we assign tests to a client, and in this case we do not make a full refund. A partial refund may be possible if a client decides he/she does not want to complete our battery of assessments, encounters technical difficulties preventing him/her from connecting to a Zoom meeting, or decides to give up on the opportunity for a live results session.
Q: Can I get a written report of my consultation?
A: Some of our assessments produce client-friendly reports when your responses are analyzed at the publishers of the tests, and you may receive these reports. We do not provide transcriptions or written summaries of consultation sessions. We encourage you to take notes during your session and/or to record it. Recently some clients have had success using Fathom (see
Q: Can I get my consultation over the phone instead of a Zoom meeting?
A: Dr. DeBrota gains valuable information by watching clients react to what she says and answer questions live. She prefers to engage with clients that she can see as well as hear.
Q: Can I get my consultation in person instead of a Zoom meeting?
A: Unfortunately, no. Dr. DeBrota no longer sees clients in person.
Q: How long does the whole consultation process take?
A: When we receive payment, we try to get tests assigned within at most a few days. You must complete all tests before we can schedule a results session for you. Depending on the number of clients awaiting a results session, it may require a few weeks before you can be scheduled.
Q: Will your testing determine my Myers-Briggs personality type?
A: We do not currently assess clients with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Q: What happened to Dr. Jack Fadely?
A: His health declined over a period of weeks in early 2020 prior to his death on April 18. For more information about his remarkable life, please visit these tribute websites:
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting the new name of Fadely & DeBrota Associates?
A: No. Fadely & DeBrota Associates stopped doing business in 2020. It maintained physical offices in which it served clients, and provided a variety of services over the years to companies and individuals. DeBrota Career Consulting began operation in 2020. It is an internet-only business, and offers only career and educational consultation.
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting affiliated with Fadely College Counseling?
A: No. Fadely College Counseling LLC is an unrelated business. Its website is
Q: Is DeBrota Career Consulting affiliated with Personality Science?
A: DCC and Personality Science are separate businesses. The website for Personality Science is
Copyright © 2020 DeBrota Career Consulting. All rights reserved.